Gratitude does a lot of things for us in life. First thing it does is to power Thanksgiving for ThanksLiving.

ThanksLiving is the fruit of Christ’s love lived out in a world of wonder and worry every day — not just at Thanksgiving or Christmas.  Were it not for the Christ of Christmas, life would be bound in bitterness and brokenness, waywardness and want.  Lives would be void of love and mercy, which gives birth to gratitude.

Gratitude for God’s Gift of Grace gives direction for giving and not getting. Worship becomes a covenant of serving. Best known as “ThanksLiving, it generates from hearts that just “can’t help it.”

Gratitude is mandatory for Christians who live the Christ centered life.  It becomes a blessing in serving others — like a drink of water to a stranger. Jesus said, “When you do this you do it unto me.”

In today’s America, Thanksgiving is the front door for Black Friday’s frenzy for shopping.   America is a nation that began with a people who worshiped and served Jesus, and there were no Black Fridays for shopping.  It was a time for sharing and giving gratitude to God for his blessings.

The needs of America are great. Greatest of all is the need of an attitude of gratitude that is not focused on entitlement. That would be one raised heavenly in desire to worship the Savior and serve others. When He is first, we are second, and others are a priority, worship becomes real.

Thanksgiving is a blessing and a time that reminds us how great the covenant of life is. It is then that Thanksgiving leads to ThanksLiving, as it overflows in giving glory to God every day.

Happy ThanksLiving!

All this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God” 2 Corinthians 4:15


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