Let me get this out upfront and fast, ” I love being a woman!” Why? I have a heritage & legacy of being surrounded by a community of good and godly women. Let me tell you this little factoid, just in case you don’t know it – women love to be together, have fun and LAUGH. That’s what LoveTalk was like this Saturday. Our friend and ministry partner, Cathy Endebrock from “Let’s Pray Today” and NDP Georgetown coordinator joined us and we had a wonderful time. We got to hear the heart of God in her, share our lives more deeply together and pass on some wonderful ways to bless our children and families. THANK YOU, Cathy!
Cathy will be joining us on the last Saturday of each month (we’d love to have her in the studio every Saturday, hint). So mark your calendar, she has such depth and is a dynamo. Cathy will be blogging her LoveTalk experience later this week, stay tuned.
God’s Hope & Heart, The Family
Here are just a few of the nuggets we picked up from Cathy – laughter is indeed good medicine. She says her girls often hear her talking to God in the kitchen. Sometimes asking God to provide a particular ingredient. She says that this is a memory she knows the girls will keep, they have a joy-filled deposit in their little hearts. A memory of mom, ‘talking to Jesus in the kitchen’. Everybody needs a cooking partner, why not Jesus?
On a more serious note, I loved her insight into understanding that we cannot abdicate our role as parents to the church, the youth pastor or teacher. God holds us responsibile to instill in our children understanding, knowledge and character. Why parents? Parenting is personal, it is not a set of regulations, rules, religion, or head knowledge. Parents are the outward demonstration of God’s heart and hand to every child on earth – good or bad. Cathy, shared they work intentionally with their children to understand the child’s point of view, asking questions is a great way to develop deeper relationship and understanding of your childs perceptions. Her children are becoming ‘critical thinkers’, such an incredible life skill. They are learning to reason right & wrong; good and bad; and, ultimately God’s heart for them. Adopting tradition or religion is not enough for children to survive in the world. They have to know the heart of God, to develop a lasting loving life-long relationship. This is what building and leaving a spiritual legacy is all about.