“Y” principle of life is simple. It is Jesus saying: “YES I will go! YES I will live! YES I will give my life! YES I will come again!”
We are given new life through Jesus’ Life. Why? “All the promises of the Father are YES in Christ Jesus” (II Corinthians 1:20). The Yes Life is the life of a Jesus Follower.
For whom did HE Come? Sinners, the ungodly, the imperfect, the frozen! For whom will He Come again? NEW LIFERS who have said YES — lived YES !
To change people’s hearts and the world system, God uses imperfect people like:
- Abraham the liar.
- Moses the doubter
- David the adulterer
- Peter the denier
- Paul the murderer
- John the dreamer
God made up in excellence what they lacked in perfection. How can you be used by God to make a difference?
- Since you’re imperfect, you can speak of failure.
- Since you’re a sinner, you can speak of forgiveness.
- Since you’re broken hearted, you can live with joy.
God restores the imperfect— the brittle, bitter, broken— then puts them on his YES Parade as Love Letters and Truth Trophies of his love, power and presence!
If you recognize you are imperfect, remember this: God chooses imperfect people. He came himself to pay the Grace price for you that you might become a part of his body (the church— a hospital for sinners) living with passion and purpose that can change the world.
Keep Asking, Searching, Knocking! “Keep asking, and it will be given to you. Keep searching, and you will find. Keep knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who searches finds, and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened” (Matthew 7:7-8).
Join us on Love Talk at www.lovetalknetwork Saturdays at 9 AM and discover the “Y” Life.