If such and such happens, then what? What will I do? What will they think? Where will I turn? My dear Mom has always said, “Worry is imagining all the things the enemy might do.” What then are we to do with all of our imaginings, all of our ifs? We can’t just turn them off. God has gifted us with imagination – some more wild than others ;0) – a free roaming of thoughts mixed with a measure of unseen beliefs. We can live a life plagued with ifs. Some of us become so plagued we rely on prescriptions to help us through the rougher ‘if’ periods. There is a panacea to this plague that enables us to embrace our ifs and live abundantly free: our embraceable Christ, the Word of God made flesh, the way, the truth and the life. Let us take our ifs and imagine not what the enemy might do but what God can do – this is Hope. This is the year we turn our if around by embracing Christ and imagining all the good and wonderful things God can do with our ifs.
“Father we commit to you our ifs and every imagining. We believe You above all else. Help our unbelief. We look to you to do the miraculous in our heart and mind. That every worry would crumble and fresh hope spring forth as we embrace Your Word of Truth, the embraceable Christ.”
God bless you friend,
Cathy Endebrock, Love Talk Co-Host